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The benefits of education are enormous and cannot be exhausted in a single presentation, work, or publication, for such would be to limit its scope and undermine its significance. For one man's testimony is just but a product of the experiences peculiar to him.


Within every human are dreams, abilities and capabilities buried within and echoes seeking to be given a voice. Education offers a platform and opportunity that helps the individual into discovery of whom they are and what their valuable gifts are. For example, the grouping of young secondary school students into sciences, arts and commercial is done in order to concentrate on the strength of the students and make the best out of it instead of focusing on so many aspects at the same time.
This education focuses on what's best in the individual, identify and nurse it to maturity.
  Through debates, seminars and the rest, students learn how to express themselves and being understood.

One of the greatest goal of education is to refine the minds of individuals from myths and baseless ideologies into more rational and objective thinking. For instance the ancients, focused so much on fate and their helplessness to what happens to them in life but on the educational platform we have clearly seen that what our life becomes is a product of the choices we make.

Education equips the individual with skills, knowledge and marketable abilities making the individual a substance of value. His ideas and specialization are sought and paid for, he can be employed and also be self employed. In simple terms he has something to offer to the society, making him an asset and not a liability.

Through the refining process of education, individuals now valuable have a deep sense of confidence and self esteem in their person. They can speak for themselves, communicate in a civilized manner with others, express themselves conveniently in the society.

Persons from humble backgrounds who go ahead to improve their sense by being educated go ahead to improve the social class of their families, they tend to now have a place in the society and be recognized by others. The financial change also gives the home a new look and status, thus reducing the rate of poverty. With education one can go ahead to acquire the status he desires.

Contrary to the quarrels and issues very common in many homes especially as regards simple family issues like inheritance, rights and the likes. Educated fellows have a more prudent and cultured way to express their grievances and respect the rights of others. Education gives us an understanding of out right and also to respect that of others.

Education gives the family as a unit a deep sense of achievement and fulfillment. A woman once said "if you want to know how rich I am, touch the substance of what my Children are made of". Parents develop a great sense of rest and confidence in whom their children have become.

socialization is the process of transferring the belief, ideologies and Norms of a society to the younger generation to ensure continuity.
Through education, the culture of a place is taught and passed to individuals, that is why we have the study of languages, history and the likes in the educational system. Even at the university level, the Nigerian legal system is often incorporated as a necessary for every one no matter the discipline.

The wealth and substance of a nation is not far from whom the leaders are and the citizens. When individuals are properly trained, they go ahead to become valuable and a plus to the society. Foreign dependency is drastically reduced.

An idle mind theg say is the devil's workshop. When individuals are well trained. Even when they are not employed, with their skills they can be self-employed. In the present age and economy situation, an individual without an educational qualification, skill or improved ability is just an impending doom and a liability to the nation.

Get educated
Get enlightened!

Its first for your ultimate good!


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