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Presented by Mrs Favour James at the 25th National Conference of CLASFON at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

*Soliciting (Corporate Practice)
*The Academia
*The Bench

*Government Lawyer (In-house Counsel)
*Company Secretary/Legal Adviser
*Property Estate Business
*Aviation Law
*Maritime Sector
*Oil and Gas Sector
*Intellectual Property, Trademark, Copy Right and Potency
*Entertainment (Music, Sports, etc)
*Family Law Practice
*Accidents and Injury (Compensation)
*Insolvency matters
*Hospital Forensic Matters
*Prosecutors, expert investigators, handwriting experts, corruption matters
*Election Petitions
*Security Issues
*International Relations
*Refugee and Vulnerable persons Activist
*Debt Recovery Agent
*Agent for diverse Principals for diverse occasions
*Publisher, Law Reporting, Law Historian
*Inventor or adaptor of technology for legal practice
*Entrepreneur of legal consumables (legal boutique, wig, gown, collarette, dress, suit, dinner wears, shoes, lawyer stickers etc)
*Proposer and author of bills and laws
*Immigration Law Expert, Citizenship etc
*Custom Matters, Trade, Clearance
*NOLLYWOOD Business Matters
*Hosting Legal and Social Events (e.g conferences)
*Media Legal Correspondent for print and electronic media
*Talk Show Host on legal issues and experiences
*Social Justice Crusader
*Continuing Legal Education I.e trainings.
*Contractor to the Judiciary
*Probate matter expert (wills, letter of administration etc)
*Charge and Bail
*Constitutional Lawyer
*Human Rights Lawyer
*Devotional For Lawyers
*Women Right Crusader
*Guide for those in Incarceration
*Children Right Matters
*Book Writer


"Remember that you are a matchless original. They can only look like you, or act like you... but they can never be you"


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