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Choosing a Career Path – Your Past
May Hold Some Clues!
way to
go? What
shall I
should I
If these questions sound familiar, you are not
alone! This can be a very exciting time in your
life; time to plan, dream… and take a step back.
One great strategy to finding a direction is to
look in the rear view window and reflect on
experiences that you truly enjoyed and
energized you. Clues lie all around if you take
the time to look.
Spend some time thinking or talking about past
interests and achievements. What types of
things were you doing when you lost track of
time because you were so engaged? Were you
researching information for a history class,
promoting an event, reading about the stock
market or writing a blog post, for example?
What activities or hobbies have been especially
meaningful to you? When surfing websites, or
reading newspapers or magazines, which issues
or topics were the most interesting to you?
You can also consider what you have been
successful at in the past as you plan for the
future. Perhaps there are times that you can
think of when you felt particularly proud of your
personal achievement in a certain area. Possibly
friends, family, schools or organizations have
recognized you for a skill set and commitment
to a cause. Often times other people can reflect
back what we do well. Interest and skill
assessments are offered through the Career Path Consult

and may shed some light on your
strengths as well.
Although not every activity always lines up
perfectly with a career, we can often find hints
in past experiences. The student who loves to
help edit papers might just find a career in
publishing; the persuasive communicator might
find a Sales Leadership program to be a perfect
fit! Explore options that relate to what you love
to do and do well.
The path is yours to take!


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